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SAS Programming proc print & proc sort options?

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In SAS, PROC PRINT is used to display the contents of a SAS dataset in a tabular format. There are many options available with PROC PRINT that can be used to control the appearance and content of the output. Here are some commonly used options:

1. VAR: Specifies the variables to be printed.
2. OBS: Specifies the number of observations to print.
3. ID: Specifies the variable(s) to use as an identifier for each observation.
4. SUM: Includes a summary line at the end of the output.
5. BY: Specifies one or more variables to use for grouping the output by.
6. LABEL: Displays variable labels instead of variable names in the output.
7. FORMAT: Specifies the format to use for printing variables.
8. WIDTH: Specifies the width of the output display.
9. MISSING: Specifies the character to use for missing values.
10. NOOBS: Suppresses printing of the observation number.
11. FIRSTOBS: Specifies the first observation to print.
12. NODATE: Suppresses the date in the output.

These are just a few of the many options available with PROC PRINT. For a complete list of options, refer to the SAS documentation.

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What are the proc sort options?

In SAS, PROC SORT is used to sort a SAS dataset. There are many options available with PROC SORT that can be used to control how the sorting is performed. Here are some commonly used options:

1. BY: Specifies the variables to use for sorting the dataset. This option can take multiple variables and can also specify whether the variables should be sorted in ascending or descending order.
2. DATA: Specifies the input dataset to be sorted.
3. OUT: Specifies the output dataset to be created after the sorting is done.
4. NODUPKEY: Specifies that only the first occurrence of a record with a given value of the BY variable(s) is to be included in the output dataset.
5. DESCENDING: Specifies that the BY variable(s) should be sorted in descending order.
6. DUPOUT: Specifies a separate output dataset to be created for duplicate records.
7. FORCE: Forces PROC SORT to create an output dataset even if there are errors during sorting.
8. KEY: Specifies a variable or a combination of variables that should be used as the primary sorting key.
9. TAGSORT: Specifies that the sorting is to be done in memory rather than in a temporary file.
10. MISSING: Specifies whether missing values should be sorted before or after nonmissing values.

These are just a few of the many options available with PROC SORT. For a complete list of options, refer to the SAS documentation.

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